Yugoslav IEVT TY key switches – SMK style switches in disguise

Back in 2020 I built my first Galaksija computer, using the original single board design. Building this computer was quite a challenge for me, as I was pretty inexperienced with electronics. But the most difficult challenge was finding compatible key switches — so difficult actually, that it took me almost 3 years to find the right ones. This short article describes this journey, as well as a brief history of

Making a Galaksija computer FAQ

Last edited: 27 May 2024. Introduction Galaksija is a Z80A based microcomputer designed in 1983 in Belgrade (Yugoslavia, now in Serbia) by Voja Antonić. I’ve been documenting, exhibiting and speaking about the Galaksija ever since I assembled my first one in 2020. If this is your first time hearing about the Galaksija, I recommend you check out my three posts telling the story of the Galaksija: This post includes many

Macintosh in Yugoslavia – a belated #MARCHintosh2022 retrospective

It’s MARCHintosh! The month of March when the vintage computing community shares projects, creations and other content related to the Macintosh, in the vein of DOScember and SEPTandy. It’s almost halfway through March 2023, and due to my increasingly busy work schedule, I don’t believe I’ll get to do a project of my own. However, back in 2022 I did do a small #MARCHintosh project on Twitter, documenting the brief

Reliving my past and de-bricking a Compaq iPaq 3650 in 2023

A few weeks ago I got a Compaq iPaq Pocket PC, model 3650. While this device originally came out in 2000, I remember using it circa 2003 when my mom got it for work and passed it on to me because she had no use for it. While I probably only played around with it for a few months, it was a formative computing experience for me. Even though it

Orao WiFi/RS232 and Orao Terminal emulator

Edited May 16 2023 Orao was a Yugoslav 8-bit computer developed by Miroslav Kocijan for PEL Varaždin in 1984. Orao was common in elementary schools, mostly in Croatia, through the late 80s. Since 2021, I’ve been learning more about this microcomputer and developing hardware and software for it. While most of the information here is available on my Orao github repo, this page contains all the relevant information related to

Ode to Twitter

This is a translation of the article I wrote for Kulturpunkt.hr about the demise of Twitter, my personal history and feelings about what’s going on after Elon’s takeover, and my hopes for building better online communities in a post-Twitter world. It’s a direct translation from Croatian, so there are some references to “domestic” Twitter etc., which refer to Croatian and post-Yugoslav online communities. The article was published on November 15th

Remembering my grandfather for 100 days

Following Elon Musk’s takover of Twitter, I decided to finally leave that platform. I’ll be writing about my history and complicated feelings about Twitter in the future, but for now I’m archiving some important posts and threads that mean a lot to me and which I want to preserve. I’m starting with the 100 days posting photos and memories of my grandfather, after he passed away from COVID in October

Revolution During Disintegration: Lessons from a Short History of Yugoslav Computing (HOPE 2022)

This is a recording of the talk I gave at A New HOPE conference on 7/24/2022 in NYC. I have posted it here until the official recording is available at https://www.youtube.com/user/Channel2600. The socialist Yugoslav state was in many ways an aberration of the polarized Cold War period. Socialist, but not Soviet-aligned; friendly, but not exactly allied with Western Europe and the U.S.; its unusual position produced unique developments in computing.

Remembering Josip Gobac, my grandfather

Note: this is the English translation of the obituary I wrote for my grandfather in Croatian in October 2021. You can read the original here. On October 14th Josip Gobac, the Director of Television Zagreb from 1978 – 1986, passed away from COVID-19. He was not only a successful journalist, a talented painter, an unstoppable hiker and a big nature lover, Joža Gobac was also my grandfather. He died at

Building a Galaksija, Part III: Audio cassettes, magazine listings and radio waves

Note: this is the third and final part of three articles about my experience building a 1980s Yugoslav 8-bit computer called the Galaksija. This part is mostly focused on software creation, distribution and preservation. You can find Part I, focused on the tech, here, and Part II, focused on the history of the Galaksija, here. It is largely based on my sprawling Twitter thread about the Galaksija. The first computer I